Basic dutch phrases

Top 11 most useful Dutch phrases for a trip to Amsterdam
Whenever you are visiting a foreign city its always nice to be able to use some of the mother tongue as a gesture to the locals which is invariably always appreciated, you may even get better service because of it. So, with that in mind here is our guide to the basics:

Could you please tell me…?

Kunt u mij alstublieft zeggen…?

Can you help me,please?
Kunt u mij alstublieft helpen?

Thanks a lot
Hartelijk bedankt

Good Morning


Good afternoon

Good evening/night

My name is…

Mijn naam is…

Hi, How are you?

Hallo, hoe gaat het?

See you

Ik zie je!

Where can i find a taxi-stop?

Waar vind ik een taxi standplaats?

Can you tell me how to go to…?

Kunt u mij vertellen hoe ik bij….kom?

Here’s a link to Google Translate so you can try even more phrases… English > Dutch

Dutch phrase books
If you are looking for a good book to take with you here are a few that are the best value for money;
Dutch Phrase Eyewitness Travel Guides (BEST)
Collins Dutch Phrasebook
Periplus Essential Dutch Phrase Book
AA Dutch Phrases Book Series

Dutch translation iPhone apps
We have recently brought iPhones and here are some of the best apps we have found. (BEST)

Good luck! or should we say… Veel success!

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